From: James Shupe (Formerly Jamie Shupe) <>

Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2020 12:25 PM

To:; Scott Newgent <>

Cc: David Pickup <>; Fred Deutsch <>; QUENTIN VAN METER <>; Andre Van Mol <>; Laidlaw Michael
<>; Vernadette Broyles <>; Natasha Chart <>; Scott, Greg <>; Glenn Ridder <>; MD Paul
Hruz PhD <>; Horvath Hacsi <>; Monique Robles MD <>; Robbins Jane <>; Bernard Hudson, MD <>

Subject: Re: ACLU

Dr. Cretella,

I'm going to respectfully disagree with that, and I'll explain why.

I was recruited heavily by the Transsexual Global Alliance and I've largely ignored them.

There's no shortage of transsexuals willing to denounce the medicalization of children, but their endorsements come with a hitch: they expect everyone to play make believe that they really are the opposite sex and have
compelled pronouns and all that garbage. Even worse, they pitch themselves as the real deal, the true transsexuals that had to transition. People like me they claim have sexual paraphilias and fetishes, while they were
born in the wrong body.

So I encourage all of you to not buy into this Trojan Horse ploy, because the actions of these folks "identifying" as the opposite sex is contributing immensely to the harm being done to females. It's part of our fight, in

Walt Heyer is proof that no matter how far you've gone medically, you can still turn back.

So unless they've taken formal steps to reclaim their birth sex and denounce gender ideology, please don't endorse or indulge these persons.

Or contribute to the Blaire White types profiteering from this type of behavior.


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

On Sun, Jan 19, 2020 at 12:32 PM,
<> wrote:

Scott is right. Having more trans adults come forward would be a game changer.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jan 19, 2020, at 9:51 AM, Scott Newgent <> wrote:

And my twitter was shut down and my website was hacked.

I keep saying this, but I want to make sure that NONE of us lose sight to the children we are saving.

I am the only one on this panel that has medically transitioned and it's no place for a child. Some, very few, but some adults need to transition to find peace, but no child should go through this.

8 months ago was the first time I was made aware that they were doing this to kids and I was appalled.

I'm gathering more transgender adults quotes and thoughts on this and you are just going to have to trust me..Most, trans adults feel the way I do, they just are scared of coming out and saying it.

Please dont loose hope or strength toward this goal, this bill is historic if it passes and it will be the starting point to saving millions of kids. Please understand this, this will not end well if this doesnt


On Sat, Jan 18, 2020, 10:15 PM James Shupe (Formerly Jamie Shupe) <> wrote:

So the ACLU is giving out your home phone number, Fred?

“The time to act is now,” the ACLU of South Dakota tweeted. It followed with a long list of legislator’s home and office numbers."

On Saturday, January 18, 2020, 08:55:11 AM EST, Fred Deutsch <> wrote:

Primary opposition is economic, more than medical:

