Jamie Shupe

3/13/2019 5:06:43 PM

"Media Team" <>



Subject: Re: Connecting Kara and Jamie
Hi Kara,
Our thoughts are very much aligned on this, my heart breaks too for these parents. I'm basically doing this for them. Your story is heartbreaking too. Ugh. I have a daughter and I can't bear to
think about her going down this path, it's beyond comprehensible.
It's not lost on me about the friction within the lesbian community on this issue. I've seen Cathy Brennan criticizing WOLF for working with conservatives and religious elements, but that's the
only way I see forward. It's also the only way I see to win this. And it's my strategy.
I know there's all sorts of talk about "losing gay marriage," but the way this is going there isn't going to be a lesbian community if the trans problem isn't stopped. As people fight over
something that "might happen," more and more women just like the person close to you are getting sucked in and harmed. I feel like people need to start recognizing this immediate harm
over the "possible harm."
My strategy is I am going to continue to build activism bridges and inroads with the right. I've come to believe they realize the trans problem is far more sinister than anything gay people are
doing. They've definitely had my back and they've been using me to do as much damage as they can. You've no doubt seen that in the news. We shouldn't treat them like they're incapable
of change.
On the legal front, keep this under your hat please, but I'm going after the judge for judicial fitness, the VA for medical malpractice and Social Security too for the things we discussed if I can
get away with it.
If there's anything I can be of help with to you and your organization, please reach out. No one element of this is more valued than the other. We need everyone fighting on all fronts.

On Wednesday, March 13, 2019, 7:35:30 PM EDT, Media Team <> wrote:
Hi Jamie,
Again, apologies for the delay in responding. It's difficult for me to work on this issue during the work day.
As Brandon said, I am on the board of the Women's Liberation Front and was on the Heritage panel you referenced on the Laura Ingraham show.
Here's a little bit of background. I came to this issue from a radical feminist perspective - the view that in order to fight misogyny, we have to be able to name the category women as adult human females. I remain fiercely
committed to that cause. However, in the meantime, a few things happened. One is that someone very close to me (a woman) announced that she is trans. She came out as a lesbian many years ago, and about a year
ago, she announced in an email that she is trans. I tried to engage in conversation with her, but she knows my views on this topic, and pushed me away. A few months after that, I learned (on Facebook, of all places), that
she had gotten a double mastectomy. I was devastated. The other thing that happened is that when she announced that she is trans, I reached out to the Parents of ROGD Kids group. I am not a parent, but I felt like I

needed some support. When I reached out to the ROGD parents group, I got connected with a bunch of parents in my area whose kids are on this path. These parents break my heart every time I talk with them. They are
just trying to save their kids from this. My point is that I come at this from several angles: my primary lens is the radical feminist one, but the issue has become deeply personal to me as well.
So, the question then becomes, is there some way that we could work together to break through the media's silence on this issue? I just don't know. Are you familiar with the Gender Critical Action Center? I know the
organizers. They have been hammering away at the media.
My instinct is that it will be detransitioners, parents, and athletes who will break this open, not radical feminists, and I am okay with that.
I would love to hear your thoughts.
On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 12:29 PM Jamie Shupe <> wrote:
Thank you so much for sharing that and please let them know that everything I do now is for all of them! I am their fearless ally in this fight.

On Wednesday, March 13, 2019, 12:22:35 PM EDT, Media Team <> wrote:
In the meantime, this is from a friend:
“Fantastic! Tell him thank you from me and all the other moms with kids in therapy for anxiety and depression who live in fear for our kids bc of this. His voice is so important and a great comfort to us.”
On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 12:14 PM Media Team <> wrote:
Thank you Jamie, for everything. It’s hard for me to engage on email during the day because of my employment. I will be sure to respond more fully later.
I understand your issue with SS. I don’t know the answer but I will think more carefully about it. I know some First Amendment experts.
On Wed, Mar 13, 2019 at 9:55 AM Jamie Shupe <> wrote:
Hi Kara,
Please reach out for anything that I can be of assistance with.
On the same token, I've been looking for some legal help over Social Security forcing me to identify my male sex as a gender since I've desisted. If you can point me anywhere on that It would be greatly appreciated. I'll
forward the documents.
Looking forward to speaking with you.

----- Forwarded Message ----From: <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019, 9:46:42 AM EDT
Subject: Connecting Kara and Jamie

Hi Jamie,
So great to connect with you just now on Twitter. CC'd on this email is my friend Kara Dansky who coordinates media for and is on the board of Women's Liberation Front. She is an
attorney here in Washington, DC, was one of the feminists on the Heritage panel in late January that you referenced in your recent interview with Laura Ingraham, and is one of the most
articulate people I know who gets the gender identity issue inside and out, especially as it pertains to law and public policy.
The article you penned in the Daily Signal this week was quite compelling. I'll be sending you a subsequent email, but I'll let you and Kara take it from here and chat.

Brandon Showalter
CP Reporter