
2/11/2019 1:24:33 PM

"Jamie Shupe" <>


Subject: Re: Greetings!

Hi Jamie,
That's one reason I like to get people's email addresses. You never know when the twitter police will make them
I believe Madeleine Kearns said she would be writing an article too. So I look forward to reading that.
Very curious about those nuke rounds :)
I'm in contact with a collection of doctors fighting back against what's happening. They wanted to also pass on a
deeply felt message of thanks for being so courageous to speak out. You may know of Dr. Michelle Cretella? She is
one of them. She's done a lot of great work speaking out about the dangers to children.
Ok if I report on Twitter about how you were suspended?
On Mon, Feb 11, 2019 at 12:59 PM Jamie Shupe <> wrote:
Hello Dr. Laidlaw,
Thanks for the kind words. I'm in Twitter jail today and can't use my account. Twitter locked my account for saying
that gender dysphoria is a mental disorder after someone asked my thoughts on it. It's a 12-hour suspension. I hope
to be back on tonight.
I hope you are well. Thanks to you also for being one of the few brave souls willing to take a stand for these
I've got some nuke rounds to unload about my court victory. I hope some journalists are going to drop them very