Vernadette Broyles

3/30/2020 2:11:26 PM



H500 Fairness in Womens Sports / H509 Idaho Vital Records Act
Attachments: CPRC Letter to Governor 3.30.2020.docx,Soule v CT DOJ Statement of Interest 3.24.2020.pdf,PastedGraphic-14.png

Dear Governor Little
Attached for your review is our letter from the Child & Parental Rights Campaign, Inc. urging you to sign two vital
pieces of legislation — H500, the Fairness in Women’s Sport and H509 the Idaho Vital Records Act. Also attached is
the Statement of Interest recently filed by the United States Department of Justice in a federal lawsuit brought by
female athletes in Connecticut directly relevant to H500, which is in support of the female athletes.
Child & Parental Rights Campaign Inc. is a national public interest law firm with direct knowledge on these issues.
Our letter seeks to provide significant information to fortify you in doing the right thing and signing both of
these important bills.
Vernadette Broyles, Esq.
President and General Counsel
