From: Vernadette Broyles []

Sent: Thursday, January 9, 2020 2:20 PM

To: Fred Deutsch; William Malone; Michael Laidlaw; Chris Motz; Richard Mast; Matt Sharp; Timothy Millea MD; Quentin Van Meter; MD Paul Hruz PhD; Monique Robles MD; Gary McCaleb;
Glenn Ridder; Natasha Chart; Hudson, MD Bernard; David Pickup; Katherine Cave; Eunie Smith; Margaret Clarke; Horvath Hacsi; Roger Brooks; Walt Heyer; James Shupe; McHugh Paul;
Lappert Patrick

Cc: Mary McAlister; Jane Robbins;

Subject: Legislative Packet


Dear Team

Attached, at long last, is a Legislative Packet of information and documents that Jane Robbins and
I created, with the help, review, and editing of Michelle, to be used in support of the Vulnerable
Child Protection Acts being introduced in our respective states.

In this arena there is such ignorance, and misinformation, about the issue of transgenderism that
we felt that legislators needed a primer to accurately understand it. We have received permission
from the Minnesota Family Institute to use Chapters 1 - 3 of the Parent Resource Guide as such a
primer. We then created handouts on the three key issues we know the other side is going to attack
us on: 1) the suicide claim, 2) the claim that the medical community widely supports these
treatments, and 3) the bald-faced lie (we've already seen in the media) that these interventions
are not happening in minors. Representative Ehrhart generously paid for the design work for the
handouts to have a similar look to the Parent Resource Guide. Finally, is a generic Whitepaper,
based on the SD and GA white papers we all worked on.

Our goal was to create a packet of information (well researched, full of citations, and formatted
to catch the eye with the major points) that will educate and inform our legislators and supporting
organizations, but also will arm them with ready answers for the major attacks of misinformation
that will be thrown at them. Attached are the following:

• Parent Resource Guide - Chaps. 1 - 3 primer on the transgender issue (please note, we do not have permission to bind this document with any of
the others)
• Suicide handout
• Medical professionals handout
• Medical Interventions in minors handout
• Whitepaper (generic)

I would very much like to hear what you all think about these handouts and the packet they create. Please share these with your
legislators and feel free disseminate them as widely as possible with allies. We hope they become weapons
in the hands of many warriors!


Vernadette R. Broyles, Esq.
President and General Counsel

5805 State Bridge Rd., Suite G310
Johns Creek, GA 30097

On Dec 23, 2019, at 7:43 PM, Fred Deutsch <> wrote:

All, just passing along a very rough first draft of an educational website under development to
educate and motivate South Dakotans about the bill. I plan to do a video recording to explain the
need for the bill that will go on the site. Any input is always welcome. - Fred
<VYPA web layout.pdf>
