Walt Heyer

1/29/2020 4:33:01 AM

"" <>


Subject: Re: New Florida DSD/Gender Identity Case

James Liberty Counsel has been involved in the Florida bills from day one.
I just spent 3 days there with the men who drafted the bills including having dinner with them two nights in a row
to answer questions from my perspective.
Sill the bills are not perfect by any means but a step in the right direction

On Wed, Jan 29, 2020 at 7:26 AM, James Shupe (Formerly Jamie Shupe)
<> wrote:
Can Liberty Counsel please consider filing something in this case?
If a judge signs this thing, they're going to do major damage in Florida and it's no doubt leading to an effort for an X marker on licenses.

On Wednesday, January 29, 2020, 07:22:43 AM EST, QUENTIN VAN METER <> wrote:

There is only one type of gonadal tissue in Klinefelter syndrome- a testicle! This is NOT intersex. The transactivists are using this male as a pawn.
On January 29, 2020 at 7:02 AM "James Shupe (Formerly Jamie Shupe)" <> wrote:

It looks like gender activists are trying to pull the same scam here in Florida that's going on with the State Department over passports in the ZZyym case.
A male born with Klinefelters syndrome is claiming to be female using gender identity and estrogen.
They want a Florida judge to sign off so they can use it go after Alabama birth certificates. Of course, this case will have profound effects on Florida too.
Born James: " She was born with an extra chromosome, making her “intersex.”
" But because Mayfield was born intersex, she didn’t require surgery, only estrogen."