


Richard Mast
1/30/2020 6:45:00 AM
"James Shupe (Formerly Jamie Shupe)" <>, "Laidlaw Michael" <>, "Andre Van Mol"
<>, "Paul Hruz" <>, "QUENTIN VAN METER" <>

"Deutsch Fred" <>, "Lappert Patrick" <>, "Bernard
Hudson, MD" <>, "Natasha Chart" <>, "Vernadette Broyles"
<>, "Mary McAlister" <>, "Cretella Michelle"
<>, "Katherine Cave" <>, "David Pickup" <>,
"Eunie Smith" <>, "McCaleb Gary" <>, "Glenn Ridder" <>,
"Horvath Hacsi" <>, "Robbins Jane" <>, "Margaret Clarke"
<>, "Sharp Matt" <>, "McHugh Paul" <>, "Monique Robles
MD" <>, "Brooks Roger" <>, "Timothy Millea MD" <>, "Heyer
Walt" <>, "William Malone" <>, "Shafer Jeff" <>, "Chris
Motz" <>, "Jon Hansen" <>

Subject: RE: New Florida DSD/Gender Identity Case
In answer to James’ question below, a Florida judge’s order to “change all legal documentsâ€​ for an MTF male with Klinefelter Syndrome should not be binding in Alabama, but I can see that setting
up a potential challenge regarding comity, full faith and credit, etc., depending on Alabama’s exact statutory language.
Not sure who besides the Alabama Department of Public Health would have standing here, but I do not think a general member of the public would.
I have reached out to contacts in Alabama, to apprise the Alabama AG of the situation, and suggest their office or the ADPH Office of Counsel look into this case, and potentially send a letter to this judge or
otherwise take action.
If we have a document on Klinefelter Syndrome with the science all footnoted I could forward, that would be helpful.

Richard L. Mast, Esq.*
Senior Litigation Counsel
Liberty Counsel
PO Box 540774
Orlando, FL 32854
(407) 875-1776 phone
(407) 875-0770 fax
Offices in DC, FL, and VA
*Licensed in Virginia