



Kelsey Coalition
8/21/2019 7:04:07 AM
"Fred Deutsch" <>
"James Shupe (Formerly Jamie Shupe)" <>, "VBroyles" <>,
"Pamosa27" <>, "Andre Van Mol" <>, "Jon Uhler" <>, "Michael
Laidlaw" <>, "William Malone" <>, "Mary McAlister"
<>, "Richard Mast" <>, "Walt Heyer" <>, "Matt Sharp"
<>, "Michelle Cretella" <>

Re: The Age 16 Discussion
Attachments: image001.png

I want to respond to two issues raised in previous emails. First, Jamie's comment about puberty desistance data and
"gender dysphoria." It is important to note that these studies are not reflecting what has been happening over the
past few years.
As those of us on the front lines have observed, many/most of the children and young adults caught up in this new
epidemic do not have "gender dysphoria." Some do not even try to appear as the opposite sex in their appearance. It
is a very curious phenomenon when the "gender expression" does not even match the "gender identity." It seems much
more akin to an identity crisis/disorder. So the desistance data from years ago, that just studied very young kids
(mostly boys) cannot be extrapolated to this new emergence. Just today, I received a story from a father of a
kindergartner who asserted her identity out of the blue. There is no dysphoria. No opposite sex behaviors. Just an
asserted identity.
Similarly, the adolescent and young adult emergence is also not always preceded by GD. Some exhibit signs after the
trans identity; some never do. On top of this is the increasing prevalence of non-binary identities that are being
medicalized, in which GD is not part of the conversation at all.
The research will not be able to reflect these anecdotal observations for many years, but I believe they are
critical to consider when messaging. So please consider there are many different pathways to these identities and
that the research that we do have does not reflect what is happening in real time. I tried to distinguish these
different demographics and pathways on the KC website (which Michelle Cretella, Lisa Littman, Mike Bailey, and Sasha
Ayad have reviewed and approved):
Second, 100% agree that older teens need protection from these medical interventions. I also wish we could go
further and protect young adults whose brains are still developing and are even more at risk because of the current
informed consent model in which hormonal treatments may be initiated in only one visit. But I will defer to Fred's
political savvy on this and do hope that the age limit will be raised to at least 18.
And great work, Fred! That is fantastic news about sponsorship! ~KC
On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 9:30 PM Fred Deutsch <> wrote:
FYI, I met today with the President Pro Tempore (highest ranking member of the Senate). He agreed to be the Prime Sponsor of the bill in the Senate. Good news. - Fred