



"James Shupe (Formerly Jamie Shupe)"
1/22/2020 6:52:18 PM, "Vernadette Broyles" <>, "QUENTIN VAN METER"
"Fred Deutsch" <>, "Mary McAlister" <>, "Michelle
Cretella" <>, "Katherine Cave" <>, "David Pickup"
<>, "Eunie Smith" <>, "Gary McCaleb" <>, "Glenn Ridder"
<>, "Horvath Hacsi" <>, "Hudson, MD Bernard" <>,
"Jane Robbins" <>, "Patrick Lappert" <>, "MD Paul Hruz PhD"
<>, "Margaret Clarke" <>, "Matt Sharp" <>, "McHugh
Paul" <>, "Monique Robles MD" <>, "Richard Mast" <>, "Roger Brooks"
<>, "Scott, Greg" <>, "Timothy Millea MD" <>, "Walt Heyer"
<>, "William Malone" <>, "Michael Laidlaw" <>


Subject: The Butchering Of Jazz
If you haven't seen it, this is an enlightening article detailing how Jazz Jennings, America's transgender darling, has now undergone multiple "gender confirmation" surgeries trying to create
a fake vagina and repairing the damage of previous surgeries.
Remember, child gender transitions are supposed to be a cure-all for mental health issues and gender dysphoria.
Despite claims by Dr. Norman Spack that gender transitions fix mental health problems, Jazz was raised on antidepressants.
"He has seen this over and over again in patients like Kyle: once they are able to live comfortably in their affirmed gender, their anxiety and depression — even bipolar disorder —
disappear. Spack says that even mild autism in trans kids (studies show that 10 times as many gender-variant kids than kids in the general population have autism-spectrum disorders)
may be alleviated with treatment for gender dysphoria: "Perhaps the social awkwardness and lack of peer relationships common among GID-Asperger's patients is a result of a lifetime of
feeling isolated and rejected," he wrote in a recent article in the Journal of Homosexuality; "and maybe the unusual behavior patterns are simply a coping method for dealing with the
anxiety and depression created from living in an 'alien body,' as one patient described it."
Despite claims that blocking puberty nullifies the differences between males and females, Jazz didn't grow normal-looking breasts because of having a male skeleton.
And then because of the puberty blockers, Jazz never grew enough penile tissue to construct a fake vagina.
Jazz Jennings is Exhibit A for the Vulnerable Child Protection Acts now being unleashed in numerous states.

A big thanks to all of you making that happen!
James Shupe