Bernard Hudson

1/19/2020 3:12:09 PM



Subject: Your Bright and Shinning Comment to Scott!

Scott will not answer this. After several comments by him over the days, I decided to engage him in a discussion
around the meaning of words and have received nothing.
Your comment, wherein you place an iron bar through his persona, is correct. Frankly, I have grown weary of his
chest-beating and wished to explain to him this is not a promotion nor a chance for all to hear how grand your
situation might be. Fred is attempting to do something that may well endanger his political or physical life.
I keep my comments directed to one person and generally do not share amongst all.
On Jan 19, 2020, at 10:40 AM, Bernard Hudson <> wrote:
You have said it many times and I am beginning to believe that you believe, know as a fact, that any
individual can ‘transistion’.
No one can transistion: You end up looking like a mimetic design, an ersatz, a sculptured model, faux
person. The use of terms not related to known scientific principles, allows for definition shifting; thus,
terms or words are being used that define nothing or are simply inaccurate.
Instead of medical transition, rather an attempt to do the impossible. Homo Sapiens, like all mammals, are
male and female. Male and female are not opposites, but complimentary. Again, I am not talking about
penguins in a European zoo, bees making honey, worker ants racing to the Queen, nor trapped worms providing
their own reproduction.
Even Darwin understood that nature required complimentary sexes to propagate and mix genes in mammals;
did, however, produce no definitive science regarding evolution, he simply inferred his way into a quasitheory of species changing over time through natural selection.
Years ago people were referred to as ‘transsexual’, but that is impossible as well.
Everyone can have elements of masculine and feminine and some have the extremes.
John Money, a psychologist, in the 50’s separated out gender from biologic sex, destroyed the lives of two
male twins, and was fired in disgrace from Johns Hopkins; and yet his proposition lingers and ruins lives
Given the genetic and biologic genotypes and phenotypes even an adult cannot ‘transition’ nor become another

This whim or notion is false. We are male and female as humans, there is no other. You may feel you are
another sex, you may have an idea you are another sex, you may desire to be another sex- autogynephillia -but
in the end you are a male or you are a female.
In 40 years of medical practice, evaluating numerous youth and young adults, no one has ever proven they have
medically transistioned. They say they have and when provided therapy, insight to the self, they are the
same sex as when they first sat down. Wear a wig, grow a beard, castrate yourself surgically, take hormones
from another sex, dance with those high heels, believe you are because you feel you are, know you are because
you knew “when I was born,” but the human species are genetically and biochemically male and female.

Orwell stated that when people no longer spent their days working almost every hour to survive, leisure would
allow them to think and believe whatever popped into their mind. And so it has come to pass.
On Jan 19, 2020, at 8:51 AM, Scott Newgent <> wrote:
And my twitter was shut down and my website was hacked.
I keep saying this, but I want to make sure that NONE of us lose sight to the children we are saving.
I am the only one on this panel that has medically transitioned and it's no place for a child. Some,
very few, but some adults need to transition to find peace, but no child should go through this.
8 months ago was the first time I was made aware that they were doing this to kids and I was
I'm gathering more transgender adults quotes and thoughts on this and you are just going to have to
trust me..Most, trans adults feel the way I do, they just are scared of coming out and saying it.
Please dont loose hope or strength toward this goal, this bill is historic if it passes and it will be
the starting point to saving millions of kids. Please understand this, this will not end well if this
doesnt pass.
On Sat, Jan 18, 2020, 10:15 PM James Shupe (Formerly Jamie Shupe) <> wrote:
So the ACLU is giving out your home phone number, Fred?
“The time to act is now,” the ACLU of South Dakota tweeted. It followed with a long list of legislator’s home and office numbers."

On Saturday, January 18, 2020, 08:55:11 AM EST, Fred Deutsch <> wrote:

Primary opposition is economic, more than medical:
