



Michael Laidlaw
1/16/2020 2:20:09 PM
"Michelle Cretella" <>
"Scott Newgent" <>, "Andre Van Mol" <>, "Deutsch Fred"
<>, "Vernadette Broyles" <>, "Natasha Chart"
<>, "Shupe Jamie" <>, "Scott, Greg" <>, "David
Pickup" <>, "Glenn Ridder" <>, "MD Paul Hruz PhD"
<>, "Horvath Hacsi" <>, "Monique Robles MD" <>, "Robbins
Jane" <>, "Quentin Van Meter" <>, "Bernard Hudson, MD" <>

Re: ACLU of SD opposes bill that would criminalize medically necessary care for transgender youth
Attachments: blocked.gif

Agree. That would be a great reference on your site to refer to Scott, if not already there.

On 2020-01-16 13:20, Michelle Cretella wrote:
Well said, Scott. I esp. like high lighted portion.
Have you considered posting (or have you already posted) this somewhere on your website?
On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 2:12 PM Scott Newgent <> wrote:
I ask that everyone reads this response to the suicide objection.
The suicide thing is an immediate go-to within the trans community. For me, I don't believe we need to hold back on this abusive stance, because that's what it is, scaring a group of people to manipulate them to think as they want you to
or be responsible for mass suicides.
Suicide actually goes up after transition, I read the statistics in this email, and I thought that and then boom there was proof. Let us also not forget about the two transgender people that were opposed to Fred's bathroom bill, the young
lady who I cannot find anywhere on the internet, and Terri Bruce, as many of you know Terry Bruce committed suicide, and he was wholly transitioned.
50% suicide rate after the transition poll we did in the little state of SD, that's powerful.
Here is a little insight into the transitioning medical process. What people don't realize is the enormous amount of societal norms for males and females. No one understands how much there are until you face the world in the opposite sex.
For years you are pounded with these thoughts in your mind,
"Did I handle that manly enough,"
"How was my voice, could people tell I'm trans?"
"Damn, do they think I'm gay."
It doesn't stop, and it takes a LONG, LONG time to work through this process.
ANYONE and I mean that has an IN YOUR FACE the least bit about suicidal tendencies doesn't need to be anywhere near cross hormone drugs, or Lupron or surgery. To get surgery in most states, you have to get approval from 2 mental
health professionals, and if you exhibit any suicidal tendencies, you will not get approved. So why in the hell are we worrying about his objection? If a child is suicidal; medical transition should be the absolute last thing on the list. Call a
spade a spade; it's a ridiculous objection.

But, if we turn it around after we shut it down and talk to the ADULT TRANSGENDER PEOPLE, like me and say,"
"Listen, some adults need to transition to find peace in their lives. I, we understand that we have a transgender person on our panel. Our opinions don't have anything to do with being against the transgender community. We have
dozens of transgender adults supporting us because they understand the severity of medical transitioning. What we are saying is that NO ONE has the right to chose to be locked into the medical system, have less than 100% healthy
bodies and decide to put themselves there for life than an adult about their own lives.
When we remove the transgender item from the discussion, and we think about these children as what they are, children it doesn't take long to realize, no one has the right to choose this for them.
Instead, let's embrace these kids, develop programs to validate their feelings, educate them on the wonders of the medical field, and what can be done when they become adults. Bring these kids together, normalize that these are feelings
that a lot of kids have, and some need to transition, and for most, it was a phase. Give them the opportunity to marinate in these feelings, mature, and comprehend them. Then when they are adults, they can choose, but while they are kids,
let them fantasize about what their adult lives and what they are going to become because at the end of the day, isn't that what childhood is about? Childhood eliminates huge life-changing decisions for a little bit of human life. This
allows children to run, play and dream. We remember childhood so vividly because it was a pure time, asking our kids to relinquish this for what usually turns out to be a phase is lazy parenting and, we have adults protecting this time,
and for a good reason, the innocents of a child are easily exploited.
What we have now is the exploitation of innocent children and the parents that want to remove any hurt that comes their way. These are good parents that have trans kids and fighting this bill. These are loving parents and truth be told if
I was not educated about med trans, I would be the first parent at the door of these clinics, and that scares the hell out of me.
Someone needs to be the adult in the room and explain to them that transgender identifying kids have a high probability of the gender confusing being a phase. We also need to explain to these parents the true nature and process of
medical transitioning because this Disney fairy tale that is out there now is the TRUE bigot in the room. It's not this bill or anyone representing this bill, we love transgender kids, we want them to grow up and be all they can be, and if
that's medical transitioning as an adult, then we will be the ones cheering for that success. But, now, right now, these kids need to be kids, and we are trying to help them do that.


Thomas Scott Newgent
Insurance Specialist at Ideal Concepts Inc - American Insurance
P 260-242-1281 E

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On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 12:24 AM Andre Van Mol <> wrote:
Yes, we can pretty much guess what that study actually looked at and actually showed, but what is the citation
It's typical emotional blackmail and raises more questions than it answers.
As for quick replies (all bold highlighting is mine, otherwise quotes are quotes):
If their study they cite shows a 48% reduction in suicide attempts (like, what, one year out?):

A 2011 Swedish study of post-gender-reassignment adults showed a suicide rate 19 times (1,900%) that of the general population after 10 years. This
was a 30-year population-based matched cohort study of all 324 sex-reassigned persons in Sweden.
(Dhejne C, et al, "Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden,", Feb. 22,
Bailey and Blanchard: "There is no persuasive evidence that gender transition reduces gender dysphoric children's likelihood of killing themselves."...
"The idea that mental health problems–including suicidality–are caused by gender dysphoria rather than the other way around ... is currently
popular and politically correct. It is, however, unproven and as likely to be false as true."
(J. Michael Bailey and Ray Blanchard, "Suicide or transition: The only options for gender dysphoric kids?", Sept. 8, 2017.
"Paradox. The suicide rate for AYA in the non-affirming 1950s USA was much lower than it is now. For both sexes, it was only 4.5 suicides per 100,000
Peaked in 1994 with a combined rate of 13.6; ...declined slightly and then was more or less flat until 2011, when it began again to climb."
(Hacsi Horvath, Dec. 19, 2018.(
The point from Hacsi is why weren't the 1950s a total blood bath for suicides if non-affirmation of everything is the fast train to offing one's self? Affirmation was
about nil. For the past decade GLBT affirmation has steadily increased while suicides have too. What gives then?
The title here says it all:
Richards C, Maxwell J, McCune N. Use of puberty blockers for gender dysphoria: a momentous step in the dark. Archives of Disease in
Childhood 2019;104:611-612
On Jan 15, 2020, at 12:16 PM, Fred Deutsch <> wrote:
Probably not appropriate to contact ACLU. They claim suicidal thoughts and attempts reduce when families affirm their gender identity. Our bill does not prevent that. It only prevents medicalization.
Family love, support and social transition is not addressed by our bill. - Fred